Manifesting Your Simple Life

My Signature Group Coaching Program where you will UPLEVEL your current reality to match your DREAM LIFE in 10 weeks.

I am hosting my FIRST ever 10 Week Group Coaching Program entitled Manifesting Your Simple Life.

This course starts on Monday January 6, 2025 & runs for 10 weeks.

This course will be a LIVE course with weekly self paced modules including an instructional video. It is so important for me to go through this process with the ladies that sign up.

In this 10 week transformational journey I will guide you through an experience to UPLEVEL your reality to match it with your DREAM life so that you can walk away at the end of the 10 weeks feeling like your best self that always gets what she wants. That event your RSVP’d to & now you suddenly don’t want to go? You unashamedly take a lavender scented bubble bath with a nice glass of Pinot because you had a hard ass day & this what you need to do for yourself. The best part? You don’t even feel bad & you know your friend will understand.

Allow me to explain:

Manifesting the Simple Life is what it is to create your own rules. Create your own standards to be authentically you. I get sooooo tired of all the external influences in the world. All of the ideas of what society tells us we should be like, how we should look, what we should buy, what gives us status & a place in the world as women. Girl, we are WOMEN! We literally own the planet. Without us… human kind would not even exist. We have so much power & yet it is constantly being taken from us, or we are being made to feel like we are less than. So, the Simple Life is stripping away all of that outside influence & all of those times & all of those people that make you feel less than. It is taking back value & ownership while reconstructing what it is to be a woman according to YOU! For instance, I went from feeling like I needed the designer handbags, multiple homes, & fancy cars because It is what all the other coaches are preaching about having. Here’s the truth: I have designer handbags & they are in the top of closet only used for special occasions because I do not want them to get ruined. I spend $100 on make- up that I never wear, and what in the world is wrong with my Nissan Pathfinder? Answer: nothing. All I need is something that can reliably get me from point A to point B. I asked myself why I needed this luxury life & it turns out, I didn't need it. What I actually wanted was more simple. It looks more like this:

🌼 buying an RV to travel the country with my family & dogs so that I can create real life, hands on experiences for my daughters while building strong bonds with all of them.

🌼 paying off my debt so that I can spend money on things that actually matter such as the gas for the RV to travel, my kids to be involved in activities, & making healthy investments for my future.

🌼 no longer chasing a dream that always felt like a dream. I wanted something that seemed more attainable. More doable to create the life I love with the people I love to be in it with.

🌼 I want to never live the same day twice & know exactly what it is to wake up in a new place everyday. That is enough for me.

Let me introduce myself:

Hey! I’m your coach, Ashlie, and I have been where you are. In 2019, I found out I was pregnant & I had never intended on being pregnant (she’s 4 now, fabulous, & one of my favorite people. She knows exactly who she is & isn’t afraid to own it.) I was teaching high school English & feeling like my life was wasting away. Like I was living the same day over, and over, and over again. I knew I needed a change, but I didn't have the slightest clue of the first step for HOW to change my reality.

September of 2019 I went to France on a spiritual retreat. I had no idea what I was walking into, or the amount of life changing experiences I would have once I got there. I just knew I had some internal push pushing me to attend THIS retreat. I was skeptical of a lot of it & found most of it to be Woohoo at the time, but that same thought kept coming into my mind… “Something has to change.” I just took it all in & learned the knowledge & the tools not knowing at the time how much of an impact all of these tools would have on my life once my baby was born.

Fast forward to now & I would never dream of stepping back into a high school classroom. I have 2 beautiful daughters with a third one on the way & I could not be more happy. My relationships are strong & valuable. I also love to travel. I create vision boards & know how set goals that always come to life. Now… I want to use that knowledge to help other women who are where I have been.

The good news is… you are exactly where you are supposed to be, so let’s get into it!

Who is this for?

🪷 this is for the woman who has tried different self help methods in the past. Think read the Gabby Bernstein books, listened to the spiritual podcasts, & even invested in some small ticket items, but now you are ready to take the plunge into an immersive experience so that you can FINALLY break it all down & build it back up again with your dream FINALLY coming to fruition.

All of this is GREAT & I started here too, but the difference is that this course will help you IMPLEMENT the changes you need to make in order to embody your upleveled, simple self. This course is THE course to help you do that because we will carefully walk you through the hard inner work to adjust your mindset into the mindset of the person you want to be. I will be holding your hand & offering you support along with your fellow classmates to ensure the outcome you desire for yourself. Together we will take the guess work out of stepping into your upleveled self & your dream life so that you can actually look at yourself in the mirror & say, “This is the version of me I always knew I would be.”

🪷 this is for the woman who is aware she has a problem she needs solved. Like you’re feeling stuck, falling into the same boring routines everyday, & showing up for everyone else. But, you want to wake up every day jazzed about starting your day so that you can spend your time doing what serves YOU unapologetically. Think booking that 8:30am class at Orange Theory & ACTUALLY showing up to it. Or, creating a morning routine that you are so excited to get out of bed to complete before everyone else in your house wakes up. Maybe what jazzes you up is waking up 10 minutes before your alarm goes off & you can intentionally get in extra snuggle time with your pup.

🪷this is for the woman who has stopped setting goals because she is afraid of failing, or not achieving her goals. Well, in this program you will become a master at setting goals & having a very clear, intuitive roadmap to make them happen so that from this point onward, you can be a goal crusher!

This course creates everything in a step by step process to re- create foundational beliefs & shift them into ones that can actually help you focus on your goals & go after them regardless of how chaotic life gets. Each week allows integration time & builds off the week before so that you have the tools you need to go back to every time you feel like you need an uplevel, or even just to re-focus so that you can finish that thriller novel you bought three months ago & never cracked the spine.

Literally, people will look at you, feel the change in your energy, & want to know your secret. You will be the embodied, real life, breathing definition of what it looks like to have it all! You do have it all & you have it all on your own terms with your own definition of what it looks like to have it all.

So… here is what you get…

🪬 Two 1:1 Sessions with Ashlie to be used throughout the course so that you can some private time get into the nitty gritty of your lifestyle & how/ where you want to make changes. The hard questions will be asked & you will be able to really process what your simple life looks like & feels like. (a $500 value 💸)

🪬Two bi-weekly group hot seat coaching calls with Ashlie where you can ask all your burning questions. (10 calls total to be done on odd numbered weeks in the course- a $1000 value 💸).

🪬Opening & Closing ceremonies (a $222 value 💸) where we will come together as a community of women with the same focus to open & close the space we will be working together in. Bring your journal, your favorite pen, a candle, or favorite smudging item to really set your intention for these 10 weeks so the universe helps you keep your focus even on the days that it seems hard for you.

🪬Weekly content with a different theme to help you step into your next level self. Includes, weekly guided meditations, journal prompts, implementation tips, roadmap to weekly progress, & affirmations (a $1111 value 💸)

🪬Weekly instructional video from Ashlie explaining the week’s theme, why it is important, & what your goals will be throughout the week so that there will be no question about your upleveling experiences throughout the 10 weeks. (a $450 value 💸)

🪬Access to a group Discord where you can ask questions & get support from Ashlie & your fellow upleveling Simple Life Ladies. (a $4,440 value 💸)

Your next question is probably, “okay, what’s the investment for this life changing experience?”

🕉️ Early Bird PIF (October 1- November 30): A $7,723 value for ONLY $1297.00

💛Bonuses Include: Upleveled Meditation Bundle ($44 value) & a Simple Life Gift Bag including a tote bag, journal, & plant based skin care items ($125 value)

🕉️ Early Bird Payment Plan (October 1- November 30): A $7,723 value for ONLY 3 installments of $450.00

💛Bonuses Include: Simple Life Gift Bag including a tote bag, journal, & plant based skin care items ($125 value)

🕉️ Regular Pricing PIF (December 1- January 5): A $7,723 value for ONLY $1597.00

💛Bonuses Include: Upleveled Meditation Bundle

🕉️ Regular Pricing Payment Plan (December 1- January 5): A $7,723 value for ONLY 3 Installments of $667.00

Week one will begin Monday January 6, 2025 with our Opening Ceremony taking place on Sunday January 5, 2024

If you are now thinking, “I’ve tried everything else, so what have I got to lose…”

Are you ready to embrace your simple life? Are you ready to feel like you are in control of your own life & the only standards you have to live up to are your own? Are you ready to have the meditations, tools, & support you need to be successful EVERY time you have a new dream, or a new goal you are working towards?

🧡Then, what are you waiting for?🧡

Secure your spot now by clicking the button below! 🪷 There are only 10 spots available!

All my love,

Ashlie 💚

Here’s What My Clients Have to Say…